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Forms, Fee Schedule,  Notes
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Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Program
Stormwater Discharge Permit Program

Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Program

The Bergen County Soil Conservation District is responsible for reviewing and certifying Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plans as mandated by the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act, Chapter 251, P. L. 1975.

What Projects Require a Certified Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan?

A Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Certification is required prior to the start of any project that disturbs more than 5,000 square feet including:

Projects requiring a construction permit except that the construction of a single family dwelling unit shall not be deemed a "project" unless such unit is part of a proposed subdivision, site plan, conditional use, zoning variance, planned development or construction permit application involving two or more single family dwelling units or demolition (see below).

Demolition of one or more structures and any associated soil disturbance of more than 5000 square feet including the construction of one single-family dwelling or other project shall obtain a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Certification.

Construction of a parking lot.

Construction of a public facility such as any building; pipeline; highway; electricity, telephone or other transmission line; or any other structure to be constructed by a public utility, municipality, county or the State or any agency or instrumentality thereof.

Operation of any mining or quarrying activity.

Clearing or grading of any land for other than agricultural or horticultural purposes.

How to Apply for a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Certification

Applicants must submit the following:

Four (4) signed and sealed copies of the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and related detail sheets. One (1) signed and sealed copy of the entire site plan set.

One (1) signed and sealed copy of the project drainage report and supporting stability and erosion control calculations.

A fully completed Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data Base Summary Form for each stormwater management basin as applicable.

A fully completed application form with the project owner's signature.

A check payable to the Bergen County Soil Conservation District in the amount calculated from the appropriate section of the Bergen County SCD Fee Schedule.

How to Apply for an Exemption from the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act

Submit the following:

A check for $100.00 payable to the Bergen County Soil Conservation District

A letter requesting an exemption and stating the reason the project is exempt. Include the project name, address, block and lot numbers, project owner's name and address

Projects Disturbing Less Than 5,000 Square Feet - one (1) signed and sealed copy of the project site plan showing a clearly delineated and labeled limit of disturbance line measuring an area of disturbance less than 5,000 square feet. The line must be on the plan prior to printing.

Single Family Dwellings - one (1) signed and sealed copy of the project site plan showing the construction of one single family dwelling that is not part of a proposed subdivision, site plan, conditional use, zoning variance, planned development or construction permit application involving two or more such single family dwelling units, and does not involve the demolition of one or more existing structures. 

Forms, Fee Schedule, Notes

Application Form
Application Addendum
Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data Base Summary Form
New Fee Schedule Effective April 15th, 2010
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Notes

Projects disturbing 1 acre or more must submit an RFA form. Go to our Stormwater Discharge Permit Program page for more information.

All forms are in Adobe Acrobat format.  You can download the FREE Adobe Acrobat reader by clicking on the Adobe Acrobat logo below.

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Copyright 2006 © Bergen County Soil Conservation District.